Archive for the ‘Philip Tipple’ Category

Commentary: POW monument evokes strong emotions

Unveiling of Liberation Moment statue at Miramar National Cemetery (Photo: SDJW)

By Philip Tipple

SAN DIEGO–On Friday Sept. 16, I had the honor, privilege and pleasure of attending the unveiling of the Prisoner of War (POW) statue, “Liberation Moment,” at the Miramar National Cemetery.  I wish more Americans were aware of the sacrifice made by all US military service personnel, especially our POWs, and make known that we stand behind both our POWs and all our soldiers, no matter the situation.

I grew up wanting to be in the Marine Corps since I was seven-years-old, and after listening to what World War II vets had to say and I was enraged at their Japanese and German captors for not following the international code of conduct for captured  prisoners of war.

People at the ceremony expressed a gamut of emotions, ranging from overwhelmed, to excited and happy, to enraged and angry.  Most were excited and happy that our POWs have received recognition for their valor in service overseas.

The ceremony was overwhelming to me, being that it was my first time ever attending something like it. I was very happy to sit down and talk with any and all of the vets who attended. They had endured pure agony and hell, all because they were fighting for the freedom of the United States of America. Honor, valor and heroism were shown by each and every one of those vets, and I can’t leave out our current soldiers fighting overseas right now. I would like to give a big “OORAH!”  for all our soldiers and vets who have ever served. Thank you for your service and God Bless the U.S.A!


Tipple is a student in MediaComm 132; contact him at

Americans Elect circulates petitions on same-sex marriage

Jacobi Malone sits at petition booth for same sex marriage.

Jacobi Malone sits at petition booth for same sex marriage. (Photo: Phil Tipple)

By Philip Tipple

GROSSMONT COLLEGE– Jacobi Malone, a petition circulator who says he is representing the budding internet political party, Americans Elect, has  frequented Grossmont to circulate petitions on a variety of issues including those he describes as advocating cheaper auto insurance, saving the city worker pensions, fair redistricting and supporting same-sex marriage.

Malone said similar petitions will be circulated next week.   He asserted that Americans Elect is trying to “give the power directly to the people.”

Malone says that not only is Americans Elect attempting to save people money on their auto insurance but it is also trying to forestall pension cuts for the city worker. The petition concerning same-sex marriage is an attempt to determine the community consensus on this controversial topic, Malone said.

Americans Elect has been quietly winning places on 2012 presidential ballots in states across America by persuading voters that by taking advantage of the process of direct petitioning they should have as much say as to who should be nominated for President as do the two major political parties.

Tipple is a student in MediaComm132; contact him at

Constitution Week enlivens campus

Sons of the American Revolution, dressed in uniforms of the Continental Army, staff booth next to free speech wall on which students are encouraged to post their thoughts about the Constitution (Photo: Philip Tipple)

By David Hurst

GROSSMONT COLLEGE—Barbecue, free pocket Constitutions, and a chance to meet and pose for photos with Sons of the American Revolution are some of the highlights of the ongoing campus Constitution Week.

In addition, a Constitution ‘Wall’ was constructed Monday and already is attracing written comments, thoughts, questions and artwork from students on the Constitution and the American system of government.  Some of the comments exemplify the concept of “freedom of speech.”

On Thursday,  Sept. 15, Griffin Radio will feature patriotic music courtesy of the Grosssmont College Future Broadcaster’s Association. Also, there will be a lecture on Civil Liberties in the 21st Century given by Dr. Joseph J. Braunwarth, Professor of Political Science, from 9:30-11:00.

Cheryl -Anne Phillips, president of the ASGC,  commented that Constitution Week “makes people aware of the constitution and how laws are made.”

Thursday also features Phillip Henshaw and Stan Delong representing the San Diego Chapter of the SAR. Descendants of early U.S. settlers, they are easily recognized on campus wearing 18th century American military uniforms in honor of George Washington.  The gentlemen say they have participated in Grossmont College’s Constitution Week for the last several years in honor of the patriots who founded the American system of government.


Hurst is a student in MediaComm132; contact him at

Hyde Gallery exhibit inspires GC students

Art students in the Hyde Gallery

Art students in the Hyde Gallery

Story and photo by Philip Tipple

GROSSMONT COLLEGE — Art teacher Jennifer Bennett has been teaching here for 10 years. She took her first art class–basic drawing–here at Grossmont in the mid 90’s and found out she liked it. She says the art class she took inspired her so much that she ended up majoring in it and then going on to teach it.

After graduating from SDSU, she went on to graduate school in Ohio where she was teaching art. She then received a job here at Grossmont to teach art.

Among those taking in the Hyde Art Gallery’s exhibition of pieces from its permanent collection was Michael Gallagher, who has been Grossmont for 2 years and is working on a future with Media Design. He said he went to the gallery to observe and study the art to better his drawing skills. Someday, he confided, he would like to create his own business with his talent.

Another student, Lauren Peterson, said that she foumd inspiration to go to a four-year college by walking through the gallery and appreciating what she saw.


Tipple is a student in MediaComm132; contact him at

Parking shortages stress faculty, students, staff

Two drivers seeking parking spaces nearly converge (Photo: Philip Tipple)

By Philip Tipple

GROSSMONT COLLEGE—Available parking spaces on campus have been scarce during the first two weeks of the semester, causing many students to complain that by the time they found a parking space they were late for class.

Kellen Brauer, one such student, said during the first week. “It took me 45 minutes to find a spot.”

Tim Flood, Grossmont’s Vice President of Administrative Services, acknowledged that there are more students with cars than spots for them to park.   He and other seasoned members of the Grossmont College faculty and staff  reeled off a few suggestions  for students to consider.

1.  To avoid being late to class, try to get to the campus earlier  to search for a parking spot.
2.  Check out the soccer field located on the northwest corner of campus, which the administration has made available for temporary parking during the first three weeks of class.
3.  Check out the bus schedules to and from Grossmont College.
4.  Discuss with other students the possibility of arranging carpools.
5.  Consider alternative forms of transportation to school, in particular bicycling.
6.  Park blocks from the campus and get some good excercise walking.


Tipple is a student in MediaComm 132; contact him at