Archive for the ‘Lan Nguyen’ Category

Some shopping tips for Grossmont students

SAN DIEGO — In a tough economy, there are some shopping tips that fellow Grossmont students ought to keep in mind as they search for the perfect gift for their families and friends. Lan Nguyen reports:

Outreach to the homeless: a way to give back to our community

SAN DIEGO–Feeling jolly and merry and that everything is all right with the world? Take a tour around the outskirts of downtown San Diego and you’ll realize that there are many homeless people who don’t feel the same. In the videol below, Lan Nguyen invites Grossmont students during this holiday season to give back to their community.

Campus parking woes: some game the system

GROSSMONT COLLEGE — A daily parking permit for the campus costs $2, whereas a semester-long permit is $40. Clearly the permit saves you money, right? On the other hand some students prefer to take their chances, parking in places they hope campus police won’t ticket them. Lan Nguyen reports.

Nguyen is a student in Media Comm 132

Sports wrapup: Grossmont boasted some winning teams


GROSSMONT COLLEGE — Sports fans here had much to cheer about including championship women’s volleyball and water polo teams, and a football team that made it to a community college bowl game.   Lan Nguyen, utilizing photos from the collection of Grossmont’s official photographer Stephen Harvey, provided the following summary:

Nguyen is a student in Media Comm 132

Grossmont students enjoy the Gaslamp nightlife

SAN DIEGO — The Gaslamp Quarter attracts a lot of Grossmont College students in the evenings.   They come here to blow off some steam and to keep up with the latest music and entertainment fads.

Lan Nguyen took his video camera to the nightclubs, to check out the action.   He interviewed former Grossmont student Anthony Howard, who is known today as “DJ Ant Farm,” about visiting artists in San Diego and  how word spreads about the very hottest events.

His story is below:

Scholarship fund fattened by successful gala

GROSSMONT COLLEGE –With the Fall 2010 semester nearing conclusion, numerous students can be assured that they will have the benefit of scholarships in Spring 2011– thanks to a successful fundraiser held last month by the Grossmont College Foundation.

Held Oct 16 at the Barona Resort Hotel, the fundraiser helped to generate $27,000 in scholarship money through a matching grant,  increasing the overall amount available to $130,000.

The video below narrated by Lan Nguyen, edited by Masada Ellis and featuring an on-air interview by Traci Tripes provides some of the flavor of this important fundraising event.


Masada, Nguyen and Tripes are students in Media Comm 132

Campus celebrates Mexican independence bicentennial

A guitar sits by the construction fence, ready for the next mariachi set (Photos: Robert Sanchez)

Story by Lan Nguyen, Photos by Robert Sanchez, Video by Felipe Oliveira

Lan Nguyen

GROSSMONT COLLEGE — The Main Quad was transformed on Thursday, Sept 16, into a plaza de educacion as students enjoyed the sights, sounds and flavors of Mexico.

The day marked the 200th anniversary of Mexican independence.   History Prof. Carlos Alberto Contreras said the intent of the on-campus celebration was to acquaint students with Mexico’s many unique cultural contributions.   For example, he said mariachi music was originated in the Mexican state of Jalisco, which, he added, also was the birthplace of tequila.

On the quad Mexican baked goods were distributed for free, and carne asada was the special food sale item at the Sodexho Cafeteria.

Juan Carlos Navarrete, a student, said “it’s pretty awesome today. We’re celebrating 200 years of independence.  This is for all Mexicans around the world. Its for all of us to get together and have fun and have a good weekend, you know?”

Spanish professior Yolanda Guerrero concurred:  “We’re here celebrating the bicentennial of Mexican Independence Day. This event was put on by the Worlds Art and Culture committee. We have mariachis, we have free Mexican bread called Dorejas. We are having a very successful event as you can see. There have been thousands of people that have came by.”

Contreras pointed out that the World’s Arts and Culture Committee celebrates cultures the many cultures that are  represented here at Grossmont. “We have from Latino students, Mexican American students, Japanese students, Asian students, students from all over the world,” he said.  

” This is a wonderful opportunity for students to visit the world without having to leave San Diego or leave Grossmont and it is a great representation of the diversity on the Grossmont campus.”

The flavor of the day’s proceedings was captured on video by Felipe Oliveira, and on digital camera by Robert Sanchez, both students in Mass Communications 132.

Mariachi Ahutlense's Ramon Arviso and Miguel Rosales

Love those Mexican pastries

Nguyen is a student in Media Communications 132, the class that publishes the GC Summit.